Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the Holidays are now in full swing. As a business owner you are in the fiscal fourth quarter. You want to finish out the year strong and
enter 2020 with good momentum. That said, now is the PERFECT time to have your website run correctly and NOT LET IT RUN YOU!
The whole purpose of West Bay Media Group is to help the small business owner as a Strategic
Partner. This means that you will have a reliable and trustworthy partner to deploy your content on your website. Additionally, it means you have the peace of mind knowing that your website works and is maintained with the most updated software and security features.
Search engines crawl each page of your website individually. So it stands to reason that the more QUALITY pages you have on your website the more likely it will get noticed in the organic search.
With that concept in mind we are offering a
great deal UNTIL DEC 31st 2019!
For any small business owner looking for a new website we will provide the Pro Package Plan at the Basic Plan pricing!!
This means YOU will get an additional 5 pages added to your website and save $500.00!
With this great deal you can use the savings to help jump start the marketing of your brand new custom responsive website.
In summary, you are getting a 10 page website (Pro Plan)
for the cost of a 5 page website (Basic Plan).
STOP worrying about your website and begin USING it as a VALUABLE TOOL for your business.
If you can email and send an attachment, YOU can own a Custom Responsive Website and OPERATE it to increase sales online.
We are intent with helping our Partners long term.
Please contact me as soon as possible to take advantage of this great deal!
This is a limited time offer so do not hesitate.
Now is YOUR time to RUN your website.
Do not delay and call today!
Thank you for reading,
Tom Hamilton
West Bay Media