What is Blogging?
In the early days of the internet there were no blogs. Websites were mostly what I term “postcard” websites—pictures, a smattering of text, and a contact page. These websites were static, they did not change that much, and they did not need a lot of server capacity to function. This was the era before smartphones, which have completely changed the way we
deliver information.
As technological advancements progressed, the desire for content increased; hence, the blog was born. Even though blogging has been around for a while, it seems that small business owners STILL have a hard time wrapping their heads around the concept…or even what it does?
The website firstsiteguide.com defines a blog as:
“A blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first.”
In short, a blog on your website is a great way to keep your online business presence up-to-date and as an ongoing flow of information for your customers. This is ONE of the reasons I use WordPress to run small business websites. The WordPress platform was designed in the early days of the internet to be a blogging platform. As technology improved, web developers soon realized that the open source WordPress platform could be leveraged for full website
Imagine, you own a small business and your website is old and outdated—one that you cannot update. This is a problem for many business owners, and it ends up being a lost opportunity. Furthermore, neglecting this important aspect of your business lends your competitors more internet real estate and more leads that you should be
One of the most critical skill sets for any business is EXECUTION.
Now, you may try and continue to manage your website content all by yourself; however, when I think of that as an option, I remember this famous saying; “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” If you are currently having a challenge posting new products and services to your website, why not get a Strategic Partner? I have partnered with many businesses over the years and have successfully sold in different market sectors as well. Not only does my experience afford you a resource to manage your website but you also gain a trusted adviser that can provide
direction in terms of marketing and sales.
The writing and leverage of good quality content on your website cannot be overstated. In fact, number one on Google’s (click here) list of ten items they value
philosophically is “Focus on the user and all else will follow.” This means if you want to have a shot at getting people to your business online, you MUST be aware of search engines’ methods. Google is telling you that your website has to provide value to
the end user. If it does not (ie no updated content), it will fail to rank favorably in the organic ranking…or at all.
By sharing your latest updates and innovations with your market from consistent blogging, higher rankings are achieved, thereby resulting in more sales. Let West Bay Media Group craft unique content for your website! In fact, our Content Creation product is available to you right now! For the entire month of February 2020, we are offering our
BOGO special—buy one article at $100.00 and receive the 2nd one at no additional charge!
Take advantage of jump starting your website’s Content Management right NOW by reaching out to me anytime. I look forward to hearing from YOU!
Thank you,
Tom Hamilton
West Bay Media Group
We are always improving our customer service.
We are pleased to announce the creation of:
All of Strategic Partners that are using our Monthly Content Management Program can now simply use one email to update the content on their website. Please make a note of it as we have now implemented this improved email.
Thank you Tom Hamilton
"Consistent Blogging can help. By sharing your latest updates and innovations with your market, you will rank higher, and make more sales" - Tom
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Photo of the Month by Carolyn Hamilton - Creative Director West Bay Media Group